New Class Starting 2/1/25 @Studio Sway from 1:00-2:00 for $15 Safe & Sounding: Reclaim your Voice & Body with Sonic Anatomy
About Amy
I am a woodcarver, painter, bodyworker, and workshop leader living in Albuquerque, NM. I have been an artist ever since I could hold a pencil and smear paint. It's in my blood, I guess. My grandfather was an artist and woodcarver. Some of my earliest memories are of visiting him and his sign making shop in Indiana for our Summer trip. To this day one of my favorite smells is sawdust mixed with turpentine.
I have been in private practice as a Natural Therapeutics Specialist, deep tissue massage therapist, and energy worker since 2000 and an avid Qigong practitioner since 1995. In my practice I teach preventive and supportive self-care through breathing, stretching, aromatherapy, nutritionals, and herbal remedies, among others.
All of the work I do is inspired by my own healing journey through life. From spiritual seeking, shamanic practices, psychotherapy, and meditation, to a host of other alternative healing practices, I have sought to heal the fractures in my own being. Art making, alongside all of these other practices, has been a way to experience a sense of refuge, connect with my own resilience, strength, and vulnerability, and engender a sense of joy, ease, flow, and grace. Creative expression in all forms was and is an integral part of the process of returning to a felt sense of wholeness.
I am also a budding singer/songwriter. If you have any desire to listen you can click either of the links below. Thank you!
Safe to Come Home: Amy Lynn Couch
Change your vision of yourself and your internal dialogue and you can change your life.

My Philosophy
"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."
I honor both the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine across all cultures and philosophies. The two dancing together in mutual respect and love create Life. Magic.
I believe that our bodies are sacred and sensually intertwined with Spirit in divine union, working and playing together as One in the divine dance of life. Our bodies sensations and emotions must be honored and respected for the wisdom they hold.
I believe in the resiliency and strength of the human spirit and that we are all creative spiritual beings with immense self-healing potential. By tapping into our creative and imaginative superpowers to heal ourselves, envision a world in harmony with Nature, and take inspired action in that direction we begin to consciously manifest that vision moment by moment in ever widening circles and shift seemingly immovable obstacles. Creating Heaven on Earth. First within ourselves, then in our relationships with others, and extending to our communities, as well.
I believe creative expression and art-making-or singing, dancing, making music and cracking jokes-is an integral part of being human and a way to transform old stagnant energies and paradigms within self and culture.
Education and Certifications
iNLP Center 2022
Certified Life Coach
Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Hypnotherapy coming soon!
Personal Development School 2022
Coach Training in Thais Gibson's Integrated Attachment Theory for transforming the relationship dynamics of codependency.
Center for Mindbody Medicine 2019-2020 https://cmbm.org
Professional Level and Advanced training in Mindbody Medicine Skills for healing and transforming stress, anxiety, and trauma.
University of New Mexico 2009-2016
Bachelors in Fine Art, Summa Cum Laude
Studio Arts
Technical Vocation Institute Albuquerque 2003
Carpentry Program Certificate
New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics 2000
Natural Therapeutics Specialist, Licensed Massage Therapist
American Institute of Design Philadelphia, PA 1991-1993
Interior Design